Tuesday, July 21, 2009

KS Rhoads

This is K.S. Rhoads (Kevin) who is one of the "10 Out of Tenn" members that my son "Andrew Belle" belongs to. Again, they are 10 SOLO musical artists who join forces a few times a year, and tour the USA. Check out Kevin's music here: http://www.myspace.com/ksrhoads
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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin Phoenix - completed 7/18/09
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Friday, July 17, 2009

3 Girls

This was a Commissioned job for a friend's friend of his 3 daughters for his wife's birthday. It's 11x14 done on Strathmore Bristol smooth drawing board.
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Sunday, July 12, 2009

my son DREW FORTSON aka Andrew Belle

This is MY SON Drew Richard aka "Andrew Belle"
http://www.myspace.com/andrewbelle was just asked to join the music group "10 out of Tenn". He had to move to Tennessee to do it, but will get lots of exposure, as they just appeared in the July issue of American Song Writer magazine and others.

The "10 out of Tenn" are basically 10 "emerging musical SOLO artists" out of Tennessee (USA) who tour the country together like in the movie "Walk the Line" where several musicians toured together. Check out some "10 out of Tenn" (aka "TOT") music http://www.10outoftenn.com

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Charlie Hrebic and Son

My friend's wife hired me to draw this for Fathers Day 2009. Nice surprise!
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Kristina (child drawing)

My daughter is a photography student and shoots, weddings, kids, etc. She took an amazing photo of a neighbor's girl, and I just had to draw it...for fun. I of course gave them the drawing.
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